Meet Barbara… No Children in HomeRegion - AdantaNon - SmokerFemale Home Oct 30 Written By Leigh Bowen Hi! :) I’m a mother of four adult children and grandmother of six. I live on four acres in the country. I have a Poodle Aussie dog and I love doing crafts and being outdoors. “Do unto others and always try and pay forward.” children under 18 y/o - noother adults in home - noother waiver participant in home - nocountry livingpets onsite - yesparticipant allowed to have pets - yessmoker - noseeking age range - teens & 20sseeking age range - 30s & 40sseeking age range 50s & 60sseeking female participantseeking male participantoutdoor actvitiesactive lifestyleeffecientorganizedfamily timecraftssmoking allowed - no Leigh Bowen
Meet Barbara… No Children in HomeRegion - AdantaNon - SmokerFemale Home Oct 30 Written By Leigh Bowen Hi! :) I’m a mother of four adult children and grandmother of six. I live on four acres in the country. I have a Poodle Aussie dog and I love doing crafts and being outdoors. “Do unto others and always try and pay forward.” children under 18 y/o - noother adults in home - noother waiver participant in home - nocountry livingpets onsite - yesparticipant allowed to have pets - yessmoker - noseeking age range - teens & 20sseeking age range - 30s & 40sseeking age range 50s & 60sseeking female participantseeking male participantoutdoor actvitiesactive lifestyleeffecientorganizedfamily timecraftssmoking allowed - no Leigh Bowen